at bottom :-

On 10/04/2018, shirish शिरीष <> wrote:
> Dear Friends,


This would be on lines of the Albanian Open Source Conference which
is an official media partner.

I am already hacking on putting up Debconf18 registration, sponsors
release irrespective of whether we get the media partner tag or not.
Being a media partner would be a prestige for itsfoss team and would
allow me/us to cover and share in far more detail how companies
benefit from foss technologies and vice-versa thus enabling the
general public, potential budding developers from understanding the
various opportunities in free software world. I believe that to be a
win-win situation for all parties involved.

This was a persistent question which was also raised during a recent
foss event which I attended and was part of

In fact was perhaps one of the first media outlets in
sharing Google's move to Debian from Ubuntu where I have just surmised
some of the reasons for the change, all educated guesses of course.

Looking forward to know more.
          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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