>>>>> "CK" == Carl Karsten <c...@nextdayvideo.com> writes: >> You can see last year's schedule¹
All that looks good. But I am worried about what we don't see: the rejected items. Maybe in the future have a radio ( ) Only make my proposal public if it is approved. ( ) Make my proposal public now, even though it hasn't gotten approved yet. Also keep it public, even if it doesn't get approved. And have a link to see all public pending proposals. Also have a link: your proposal will be sent to the Content Team, who are [Bob, George...], for review. They will tell you by April 35th their decision. If you also want to join the Content Team, press here. Anyway, I am worried that Larry might submit proposal A, whilst Mitch might be working on a very similar proposal... but due to the closed nature of the system, instead of just joining up with Larry, Mitch toils day after day building his independent proposal, because he is unaware of Larry's. Or Frank might submit proposals A, B, and C, thinking if all are accepted, than he won't bother submitting D, E, F. As there won't be enough time. But in fact A, E, F are the ones the committee would have liked, but alas it is too late now... etc. as there is no second round maybe and if there was a more open process he could have got feedback earlier to find which are the ones people like more. But then he is also too embarrassed to rally support for his proposals by posting them to debconf-discuss etc. instead of waiting for them to first be approved.