Dear all,

I just discovered the call to proposals have been announced. While I
did make a new certificate manually on alioth as the old one was about
to be expired.

I did see and have also made an account on but
haven't been able to discover if semi-automated certification is also
on salsa cards or not.

I do see that salsa/gitlab has provision to add ssh and gpg keys in
account preferences but nothing about certificate creation.

still points to for certification which works for
now. Are there plans to keep alioth for SSO for this debconf cycle or
are the certificates going to moved on to salsa sooner than later.

It is possible there is a roadmap somewhere I just don't know about
it. I did see and notice the migration of lists from alioth to .

Look forward to having some understanding about it.

I did look at
which tells some of the steps being undertaken but no comment on the
SSO service. Maybe it will happen 2, 2.5 years down the line.

Can somebody who knows tell us what if any plans are there for the SSO service ?

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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