
Thanks very much, I assume the currency is NTD, please let me know if
I am wrong in anycase.

El dia 26 des. 2017 9:51 a. m., "Ziege Huangfu" <huan...@ocf.tw> va escriure:
> Hello Héctor Orón,
> This is the journal of 2017 balance in OCF: https://goo.gl/USJ4No
> The only donation in 2017 is to DebConf, we expect there will be more 
> sponsorship for DebConf next year.
> Sincerely,
> Huang Fu
> OCF.tw
> 2017-12-22 1:26 GMT+08:00 Héctor Orón Martínez <hector.o...@gmail.com>:
>> Hello OCF.tw treasurer(s),
>>   Welcome to Debian OCF.tw!
>>   End of 2017 is approaching us and, at Debian, we would like to
>> sanitize our balances, aiming to produce a public annual finance
>> report.
>>   Could you please provide information on 2017 balance for Debian and
>> DebConf earmarks? If you have split them by categories that would be
>> great.
>>   To be useful we would need this information by mid to end of January
>> 2018, as we have a real life meeting Feb 5th.
>>   Do you have a place where we can query Debian/DebConf related
>> transactions and balances? How could we best collaborate to provide us
>> with such information in timely fashion?
>> Regards,
>> --
>>  Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.
>> --
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