I speak no spanish and know nothing about Cuba, so someone else should
probably plan any fun :)

I'd be happy to talk about Debian Outreachy, or just hang out and learn.
Cubans aren't eligible for Outreachy though, so it makes it -feel- less
relevant. Most of what I've done around Debian is spending Debian money
on diversity efforts...


On 11/02/2017 02:31 PM, jathan wrote:
> On 02/11/17 10:33, Leonel Salazar wrote:
>> Saludos a todos, adjunto el programa de actividades que hemos preparado
>> para realizar una Mini DebConf durante CubaConf 2017. Espero tengamos
>> una excelente conferencia y disfrutemos las actividades planificadas.
>> Por favor compartir esta información por todos los medios posibles.
>> Nos vemos la semana próxima en La Habana, Cuba.
>> Grettings everyone, see attachments with the activities we've been
>> preparing for our Mini DebConf during CubaConf 2017. I hope we enjoy the
>> hole conference and the activities we are preparing. Please share. 
>> See you next week in Havana, Cuba.
>> Leonel Salazar Videaux.
> Hi Leonel. Thanks a lot for sharing the programm for the MiniDebconf
> during CubaConf 2017 :) Best regards.
> Jathan
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