On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 10:11:59PM -0400, znot...@mailbox.org wrote:
> Hi,
> I've had a look at the flyer and brochure.  I have some suggestions.  I've 
> editted the respective *.en.tex files to incorporate my suggestions then 
> diff'd the original *.en.tex files against my modified versions.  I've 
> attached the resulting diff output to this email.
> One change I didn't make that I think we need to address is the use of "swag 
> bags" and "conference bags" in the sponsorship benefits table.  We need to 
> pick one term and use it in both places, IMO.
> Another inconsistency that I noticed which also needs fixing is the use of 
> both "t-shirts" and "T-shirts" in the two docs.  We need to decide which form 
> to use and then use it throughout.  I didn't have time to address this.
> I'm a noob to this conference planning gig and to contributing to Debian in 
> general. Please feel free to comment on my suggestions.

I has merged your patch into repository, thanks for the help.

ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) czchen@{czchen,debconf,debian}.org
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