Bonjour! We have 350 people officially registered, but since the conference is free to attend to, I think 400 people is a better estimate.
-- Louis-Philippe Véronneau DebConf17 organising team On 2017-08-08 07:57, wrote: > Bonjour! > > The Montreal Convention Centre and Tourisme Montréal are compiling a listing > of international conferences held in Montreal in 2017. In 2016, Montréal > ranked 1st in North America in terms of internationals events according to > the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA).We are very > proud of this ranking and we hope to keep it for 2017 as well. > > Do you have a contact person that could perhaps share the number of > participants at DebConf17 which is being held at College Maisonneuve from > August 6-12, 2017? > > This information is confidential and only shared with the International > Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) to whom we are submitting the > listing of international events > > I look forward to hearing back from you and please do not hesitate to contact > me should you have any questions. > > Best regards, > Caroline > > Caroline Biron > Chef, recherche commerciale et alliances stratégiques > Direction du développement des affaires et des alliances stratégiques > Tél. : 514 871-5887 > > SVP noter que je serai en vacances du 21 août au 1er septembre 2017 > > > [PCM]<> > 159, rue Saint-Antoine Ouest, 9e étage, Montréal (Québec) H2Z 1H2 CANADA ><> | > Facebook<> | > Flickr<> > | LinkedIn<> | > Twitter<> | > YouTube<> > > « Nous sommes fiers de détenir la plus haute certification internationale de > l'industrie en normes de qualité et d’être au cœur de la ville qui accueille > le plus d'événements internationaux en Amérique du Nord. » > > > Avis légal<> > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Debconf-team mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ Debconf-team mailing list