
thanks for the reply and the detailed answer!

So after consulting with some of the people I will be filming with, it
looks like I would be filming on Friday the 11th at DebConf.

I will only be filming on that day, and will be filming solo.

I was also wondering if DebConf has access to any sort of "media room"
at the Collège de Maisonneuve; ie. a closed room where I could record an
interview with little noise.



On 2017-07-19 6:47 PM, Louis-Philippe Véronneau wrote:
> Dear Alex,
> I don't think it would cause any problems if you were to film parts of
> the conference. In accordance with our Code of Conduct [1], we only ask
> that you get the explicit permission of the people you will be filming
> before doing so. Since you are working on covering surveillance and
> privacy issues, I'm sure you and your team are aware that some people
> rightfully do not want to be filmed at anytime.
> Is your goal to film scenes of the conference or to interview specific
> people? If so, we could help you contact the people you wish to talk to
> in advance.
> As for media passes, please note that DebConf attendance is free for
> everyone, though if you plan to be at the conference for more than a
> day, we require you to register at the front desk and get a badge. If
> you wish, you can also buy meal vouchers there.
> Do you already have specific days in mind? We will likely inform our
> attendees beforehand that you will be on-site for these days.
> Yours,

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