Dear all,

I hope this finds you well.

I'm writing from Savoir-faire Linux, Platinium Sponsor of the
DebConf17, on behalf of the Ring project.

We would like to introduce the DebCamp participatns to Ring [1] and
have a chance to make some Ring demos during the DebCamp. To do so,
we will need some space where our team could stand in the following
days during the DebCamp.

Would it be possible to help us by providing us some space and a
kiosk for the next days of the DebCamp?

We are really sorry about this late minute notice, but our team was
quite busy with Ring's development during the past weeks.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Dorina Mosku
Consultante en logiciel libre | Montréal, Qc
Coordonatrice du projet Ring (
Savoir-faire Linux
Bureau : (+ 1) 514 276-5468 p.192
Ring : dmosku

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