Hello, this is a reminder!

Please note that there is no Monday July 18th and that I made a mistake.
The meeting will thus take place on *Monday July 17th*.

Sorry for the overlook,


On 2017-07-11 02:54, Louis-Philippe Véronneau wrote:
> Hello!
> You can find last meeting's summary on the wiki [1] and at the
> end of this mail.
> The next meeting will be on *Monday July 18th, starting at 14:00 UTC*.
> Here's the proposed agenda: http://deb.li/il9wc. Feel free to modify it
> as you wish.
> [1] https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf17/Meetings/2017-07-10
> -----
> *Bursaries*
> Bursaries are finalized, everyone should know their status.
> *Registration*
> Paypal integration is complete. 197/387 attendees have confirmed.
> Olasd will prevent people from registering for accommodation forthwith.
> *Volunteering system*
> No news from Abdel.
> *Venue & accommodation*
> Lavamind, tvaz and nattie will investigate the matter of accommodation
> for August 4th.
> *Content*
> Open Day schedule is ready to be published.
> We will publish the Open Day schedule under
> https://debconf17.debconf.org/schedule/open-day/ for the time being,
> then redirect to the full schedule later.
> *Conference dinner*
> The contract for the tower is being worked on. Alcohol will be bought by
> us and served by Le Dîner employees.
> Lavamind will write a wiki page about the conf dinner arrangements.
> *Artwork*
> Pollo will ping schultmc about SPI's credit card info for banner order.
> Lavamind will reply to SFL's mail about using the conference logo on
> their "goodies".
> *Videoteam*
> Cameras have been bought and shipping will be arranged shortly.
> *Day Trip*
> Day trip options are documented at
> https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf17/DayTrip.
> *Food*
> Tvaz will investigate quickest possible payment method for initial food
> payment (due July 15th).
> *DC18 status update*
> OCF.tw now provides account for personal donation now.
> -----
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> Debconf-team mailing list
> Debconf-team@lists.debconf.org
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