This is a reminder for the meeting!


On 2017-07-04 00:12, Louis-Philippe Véronneau wrote:
> Hello!
> You can find last meeting's summary on the wiki [1] and at the
> end of this mail.
> The next meeting will be on *Monday July 10th, starting at 14:00 UTC*.
> Here's the proposed agenda: Feel free to modify it
> as you wish.
> [1]
> -----
> *Registration*
> Final emails with regards to travel bursaries will be sent tonight.
> *Bursaries*
> PayPal payments are implemented, but they're not wired up to the rest of
> the registration process. If everything goes according to plan, PayPal
> should be up today.
> To make things easier, olasd will have full access on the dc17.dc.o machine.
> We agreed confirmation deadline will be $paypal_integration_date + 10 days.
> lavamind will review attendee's special needs records.
> *Volunteering system*
> Work is still being done on the volunteering system.
> *Venue & accommodation*
> The addition of new classrooms for dorms will cost us 12k CAD. This also
> means more revenues.
> We still don't know the numbers of attendees per day since wafer admin
> filters are not configured properly.
> We agreed to only keep 5 rooms at the hotel
> *Content*
> pollo will set up talk rooms and talk slots in wafer.
> *Conference dinner*
> A meeting with the Olympic Tower peole will happen on July 4th AM.
> At the moment we have 2 bands scheduled and are looking for a third.
> *Artwork*
> We are waiting for SPI to give us credit card infos to buy the banners.
> The badges script and template are also finished and we only need to
> print them.
> *Videoteam*
> We chose a model for the new cameras. We are currently working on shipping.
> *Next local meeting*
> Next local meeting will take place at lavamind's on July 5th at 19:00.
> *DC18 status update*
> We missed out on government funds to send Taiwanese people to DC17 (~300
> USD)
> -----
> _______________________________________________
> Debconf-team mailing list

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