On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 10:17 PM, Louis-Philippe Véronneau via RT
<treasu...@rt.spi-inc.org> wrote:
>>>> Once DC17 is over we won't need those accesses anymore.
>> Good idea.  Out of interest, do you plan to do anything beyond just
>> "remembering" to keep it to these two only and to revoke access
>> afterwards?>
> I've created a KanBoard task to remind me to email SPI to revoke our
> accesses after DC17.


What exactly do you need setup? As a member of auditor team, (and the
person who initial setup the Paypal account) I have access to the SPI
Debian Paypal account. Currently the account has a single set of login
credentials, but we can issue API keys, and setup buttons, and the
like. I have read that it is possible to setup additional authorized users,
but I'll likely need to contact support, as I don't believe we are currently
setup for that.

I think a good first step, if everyone agrees, is to schedule a
coworking session. (with screensharing if possible.) I spend much of
M-Th onsite at a client, but can be available in the mornings if we
schedule in advance. (Tuesdays are very bad). In addition, my Fridays
and weekends are somewhat flexible, as I'm working from home those
days. (I'm working about 70-80 hours a week, but I'll carve out the time.)

It sounds like we will also need to contact Paypal as we are going to
be pushing a significantly higher volume of Payments through them,
than the average $4000/month we are now. If we don't, we risk
triggering their automated antifraud systems. (How much are we
planning to push through and when?)

Speaking of which, please be aware of a current restriction, which
shouldn't be a major issue as Debian does have funds in the bank.

Based on our regular donations, we have instant access only to the
first $5,000.00 USD that comes into our Paypal account. Any payments
received above that amount are held for 21 days.

IE: Much of the DebConf money we collect will have a 21 day hold on
it, as our regular donations are averaging about $4000/month.  If you
see this as a possible issue, it's fairly straightforward to request
an increase, but it's probably not worth the hassle as Debian has
enough money in the bank to cover the 21 day float.


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