also sprach Gabriel Filion <> [2017-04-28 05:09 +0200]:
> .. we could base our efforts on work done by other folks that did
> a great job. and then maybe reintegrate some elements that were
> added to the DebConf CoC remash.

That's what's been happening over the past years, including the
current CoC. We can of course repeat this process, but I doubt it'll
result in a shorter CoC. Also, once you remove the "nutshell"
summary at the top, the current draft isn't that much longer than
the currently valid CoC.

The resources you list are links to community CoCs. A conference CoC
needs to go beyond.

Furthermore, the CoC is one piece of the puzzle. Incidence response
is another, and the two are closely related. The current draft comes
out of discussions on how to improve incidence response.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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