Hi Andreas,

Am 14.04.2017 um 07:23 schrieb Andreas Tille:
> I've registered now as user "tille" (without the appended 1).
> As this user I can not even see my registrations since links like

Talk URLs return 403 until they have been approved by the content team.
This is by design in wafer (the registration and talks submission system
we're using currently), see further below.

I moved your submitted talks to the "tille" user you created and deleted
the "tille1" user.

> PS: Is there any request tracker for such issues?

registration@dc.o is not backed by RT (thank God) but we work through
the requests we received there as time permits and so far haven't lost
many :).
registration@dc.o  is better than the team-mailing list for such issues
as 50 people less need to read requests which at the same time can't fix
anything in wafer.

Just FTR, for wafer upstream there is an issue tracker via github here:
(this obviously is for not-DebConf-specific issues with wafer)
Allowing submitted talks to be public is tracked under

Kind regards,

Debconf-team mailing list

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