
We had a meeting today and lots of folks from DC18 orga where there,
very nice!

You can find the meeting summary on the wiki [1] and at the end of this

The next meeting will be on *Monday March 6th, starting at 15:00 UTC*.
Please note we are starting *30 minutes earlier* from now on to
accommodate folks from DC18.

Here's the proposed agenda: http://deb.li/il9wc. Feel free to modify it
as you wish.

[1] https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf17/Meetings/2017-02-27


We have some work to do on the registration form for the website but
little has been done in the last 2 weeks. Local team has a sprint on
March 4th to work on this and other stuff.


We reserved 30 rooms at McGill RVC for self-paying, from Aug 7th to
13th. We will get individual locks for each classroom dorms at Maisonneuve.


We are waiting for the venue people to send us back a draft.


Still waiting on caterer for the final version of the contract.


Still looking for someone to lead the fundraising team.

*DC18 status update*

Typhoon risks are quite high for DC18 and dates & arrangements will have
to factor this. OCF.tw will surely be the Trusted Org for DC18. Work is
being done on this.


People want to start printing stickers to distribute them at FOSS
conferences so we will try to have sticker artwork ready very soon.

*Meeting schedule*

Meetings are now at 15:00 UTC to accommodate Dc18 folks.


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