> Hi team,

I read the contract! Everything seems good for me if you include
lavamind's comments.

> I'm reviewing the contract of the catering service for DebConf17 and
> have the following questions:
> - Are we going to provide breakfast on the departure date (Aug 13)? I
>   suppose yes, but need a confirmation from the team. Also, an
>   estimate of the amount of attendees who leave the conference in the
>   very last day would be very helpful. Otherwise I'll guess something
>   beetwen 60 and 100.

I agree we should provide a breakfast. Between 60 and 100 sounds good to
me. Since a lot of people won't be sleeping at the venue, chances are
they'll leave from their hotel directly.

> - I need some basic information (name/phone/email) about the
>   entity/person who will sign the contract.

I think this will be the same person who signs the venue contract. I
think we said it would be:

"Software in the Public Interest, Inc. ayant sa place d’affaire au P.O.
Box 501248, Indianapolis, IN 46250-6248, United States, agissant aux
présentes et ici représenté par monsieur Martin Michlmayr, SPI Président."

For a phone and email, if the goal is to be able to reach us, I guess
yours would be best? I eventually plan to get a burner sim card for
DC17, but it's too early to give a cell # :D

> - For the formal diner: we've agreed to consider having a special diner
>   in the venue and a live music party afterwards at the Olimpic Tower
>   rather than just going out for a diner. In that case I'd ask the
>   catering company to prepare a special menu for that night. Can we
>   agree with that? They may charge a bit more for this.

Sure! We budgeted 30 CAD/person for that meal, (+ 1 free drink at 7
CAD). IMHO that's too expensive and I'm sure Le Dîner! can do something
amazing with half of this, but you should talk to them about it.

Sorry it took so long for me to read this.


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