Hi all,

First of all I found sandstorm to have a bit of latency and not
telling what's happening in the background. I have filed a UX bug
about it upstream, maybe upstream will look at it.


Granted, it could be better re-worded but I don't know how.

The only thing I could do is take Firefox inspector and show the
latency timings there, other than that dunno.

Coming back to the topic, I saw the following titbit -

1 - Deciding swag

What swag do we want? We are planning to buy T-Shirts from Mexico, but I think
cotton grocery bags (or socks) would be some nice swag.

Isn't it traditional to have a conference T-shirt or are people
thinking of another T-shirt apart from the conference t-shirt ? There
is a bit of a confusion there, could somebody put the record straight

If the choice is between the traditional Debian Debconf T-shirt and
something else, then Debconf T-shirt win hands down - at least for me.

if however, its going to be conference t-shirt + 1 more t-shirt or
something else, then probably something else .

All this discussion though is moot unless we know what designs, shapes
would be there.

Another query - if it's to be something else, instead of cotton, would
there be much difference in prices if 'merino wool' is used. IIUC,
then merino wool is French and Canadian at the same time.  Also some
of the properties of merino wool seem to be unique (lightweight, warm
as well don't need to wash for a long time as well as being washed

I looked at 
- maybe something similar could be looked at ?

We could have a cap or socks with Debian swirl, if it's a hat/cap like
above then it would be visible and Debian would also be a talking

Looking forward to know.
          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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