Hello, A while back I sent you an email about some suggestions I had in mind
for your site. I have not heard back from you since so just wondered if you
ever got my message.
If you aren't accepting suggestions let me know so I won't email you again
regarding this matter - but in case you missed my prior emails let me know if
you are open to feedback to your site - I'll be happy to send my suggestions
over to you as I think they can be really useful for your visitors.
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
I hope you're doing well. Not sure if you got my email several days ago about
some resource recommendations that I had in mind for debconf8.debconf.org.
I found these resources useful so thought they’d be helpful to your visitors as
well, let me know if you’d like me to send them over?
Many thanks!
-----Original Message-----
Hope you're doing well. Just sending a quick email about some suggestions that
I had in mind for your page http://debconf8.debconf.org/tourism.xhtml.en. Are
you open to recommendations?
Hope to hear back from you soon! :)
Kind regards,
-----Original Message-----
I came across your page here http://debconf8.debconf.org/tourism.xhtml.en while
in research and found really useful, I wonder if still updated and if you're
open to recommendations? I have a list of resources that you might find useful.
They were helpful for me and my friends, so thought they would be beneficial to
your visitors as well.
Let me know if you'd like me to send them over?
Best regards,
Debconf-team mailing list