> On 05 Jun 2016, at 10:48, shirish शिरीष <shirisha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It would be good if the staff and video people have hoodies so people
> can differentiate and see them easily in a crowd. T-shirts are also
> good provided they have a different scheme altogether. With hoodies,
> the only change would be the guys would look more handsome while women
> will look more cute and hopefully they will be more help in debconf
> 2017 to get coveted hoodies, a privilege incentive.
> What do people think ?

For this debconf, we already decided (see minutes last meeting). Budgeted money 
took priority over other considerations.

I agree that nice perks could help having more volunteers. We tend to forget 
it, but every year Holger remember us about it.

The problems:
- costs (so it should be decided very early, ev. at expense of other things)
- hot days: usually DebConf weather is very hot. We just lost the possibility 
of one of the few “winter” DebConf.
- colors: we like very much to have the same color for both cloth cuts (or 
thrice if we have children cut), but cloth producer tend to have slight 
different colours for different cut)
- and people should like it. Our demography is very dis-homogeneous (I prefer a 

A general comment on your questions: you comment a lot and give a lot of 
proposals, but we really don’t lack of ideas. Just we don’t have time to 
implement all things we like to do, so external ideas tend to be put in a lower 
priority. For most of the topics in this DebConf it is late for new proposal, 
but I encourage you to help us organising next ones, so if you have an idea, 
just check and try to make it concrete. Many tasks can be done outside the 
local groups. E.g. t-shirts were bought and printed in Mexico, for a lot of 
DebConfs (but it could be India, Thailand, or elsewhere, internet shorts the 
distances).  Day-trip is most a local thing, but help from people who don’t 
know the place is good (e.g. to find what a tourist would/must see). 
Webpages/wiki/conference system are also tools that needs more people (there is 
never enough people for such diverse and always in need for more). etc.

And maybe so, in few years we will have the first DebConf in Asia.


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