---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Neerasha Naidu <>
Date: Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 9:49 AM
Subject: RE: Query: Bathrooms at Fuller
To: Bernelle Verster <>, Belinda Chapman

Dear Bernelle,

The only open bathroom with shared facilities are in I Flat all other
Flats has two single bathrooms single bathrooms (1 shower and 1 bath).
Besides I flat the showers and baths are on the ground floor and there
is one toilet room on the 1st and 2nd floor.  The corner flats (D,E &
N) has more bathrooms to accommodate more people.

Kind Regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Bernelle Verster []
Sent: 13 April 2016 06:59 PM
To: Neerasha Naidu <>; Belinda Chapman
Subject: Query: Bathrooms at Fuller

Dear Belinda, Neerasha

We've had a query and I'm pretty sure of the answer, but would you
please confirm?

Does shared bathrooms mean "open shower room where multiple persons
take the shower together"

or just "single shower room(s) shared on the floor" ?

Could you give me an idea what the bathrooms in Fuller are like?

best regards

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