Thanks Allison

After chatting to Stefano some more, I'll just be helping with some
emails, taking it easy :)

Cate, I have now filled that page. It is vague enough to not promising
anything specific, but specific enough, I feel, to formally engage
with people to exhibit/present ...
If people are happy with the content it could either be migrated to
the main website or just linked to from the website, it's up to the
website people.

All: I have some stock photo's from similar initiatives that we did
with TEDx "xLab", some links below, please let me know if you feel
comfortable with me using them, for whatever reason.

Allison/Content team: How do we liaise about talks at the Open
Weekend? I don't want many, only a few, public polished ones, and I'd
like more lightning talks from especially the youth. Nattie, keen to
help with that? Thinking it should be rather easy-going, relaxed and


some images:
These are all licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, in line with TED guidelines.

alphabet soup example:
creative materials:
artwork (this is how I envision the information art exhibition):
artwork (ditto):

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 5:16 PM, Allison Randal <> wrote:
> On 03/17/2016 11:02 AM, Bernelle Verster wrote:
>> I'm thinking about coming back as poker/emailey person, but I'll
>> probably still lose my temper occasionally. If you can't deal with that,
>> tell me now and I'll go away again.
> That role has been filled, but many thanks for the offer. I know the role
> ended up taking a toll on you, so you are incredibly kind and generous to
> even consider taking it on again.
> I love your ideas for Open Weekend! I know you mentioned quite early on in
> the bid process for DebConf that the Open Weekend was your main interest in
> the conference. I told Stefano yesterday that if you weren't interested in
> running the program for the weekend anymore, we might just skip it entirely.
> So, I'm thrilled to see your renewed enthusiasm. :)
> Allison
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