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On 03/12/15 19:41, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.pro> [2015-12-04 01:34
> +1300]:
>> Would anybody from the bid team object if this information is 
>> added to the wiki page?
> It's salient, but I am sure there are ways. It'd be really cool if 
> you could also reach out to Canadian Immigration and see what they 
> have to say about it. Surely, they'll have a regular PDF to be 
> filled by hand, or some other provisions.

We looked at this for something else previously and I think that if
you don't use the non-free software, and you fill out the form by
hand, you are forced to go to a Canadian embassy in person (which can
mean 1 or 2 days off work for somebody who doesn't live in the same
city as an embassy) or the application takes longer or some other problems

When the non-free software is used, it performs some data validation
on the form fields and generates a unique QR-code which will appear
when you print the form.  If you just print the empty form (it is easy
to find scanned copies online) and write on it by hand then there
won't be a QR code.

You then have to upload your bundle of documents to a web site.  It
regularly fails.  People frequently get a 502 error.  You have to deal
with this many times for each document they ask you to upload (scanned
copy of passport, scanned employer reference, etc) and that can take a
couple of hours, sometimes you just have to try again another day.
You have to do it all from Internet Explorer too, it doesn't work for
Iceweasel or Firefox.  A sample excuse from the support desk is below.

Ignoring the non-free software issue (which is hard to ignore of
course for an organization like Debian) and the upload issues, the
Canadian visa appears to be marginally less hassle than the US visa,
the US expects virtually all applicants to go to an embassy in person
but Canada doesn't.



======= Response from technical support ==========

Sir, Madam,

Thank you for contacting Citizenship and Immigration Canada. I am
pleased to follow up on your request:

 We verified the information provided. The situation that you have
described is the result of an ongoing periodic technical problem. We
are currently looking into it and will resolve it as soon as possible.
However, please note that the difficulties that you are experiencing
may be resolved by:

    Using Internet Explorer 9.0 (or a higher version) or a different
browser such as Safari 3.1;
    Refreshing your browser;
    By using another computer; or
    Trying again later.

Furthermore, here are some tricks that may help you:

    Verify that the information you are entering is correct;
    Clear your cache and cookies. To do this, follow these steps:
        in Internet Explorer:
            Tools > Internet Options > Delete Files; and
            Tools > Internet Options > Delete Cookies
        in Safari:
        Edit > Empty Cache; and
        Edit > Preferences > Security Tab > Show Cookies > Remove All
> Remove All

The information in this email is meant to assist you in understanding
the immigration and citizenship policies and/or procedures. If you
plan on consulting this email again at a future date, please visit our
website at www.cic.gc.ca to ensure that you have the most current

I would also like to suggest other online services that you might find

    Download application forms and guides
    Change of address
    Check your application status
    Help Centre to find answers to your questions

Agent #1234
Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Note The information provided may change without notice. If there is
conflicting information between the text in the email and the
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the Citizenship Act or their
regulations, the Act and/or Regulations prevail. This email was sent
to you in the language of your choice. The information on the CIC
website is available in both official languages. The masculine form
may have been used for convenience; it refers to both men and women.
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