On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 4:28 AM, Giacomo Catenazzi <c...@debian.org> wrote:

> For me the most important meta discussion is about the concept (and
> vision) of DebConf.  It seems that you have a different view, but you
> have not yet wrote about your Vision of DebConf. Could you tell us more?
> My vision is:
> DebConf is Debian, it is a "steering conference", so Debian contributors
> can meet to set goals, solve problems,.. in general to make Debian going
> forward. So no need of huge public relation: our contributors will ask
> other contributors to come (really no need to attract attendees with
> earlier schedule and "important" talks).
> Probably we need a Conference for professional (as we noticed in
> DebConf15), but it should be a separate entity from the conference.
> I would like to have more DebConf in developing countries (but we need
> fancies hotels near airports for the professional conference).

PyCon is faced with a similar problem: different people have different
ideas about what the event should be, and there is no unit test to see who
is correct.

DC and PyCon are different, so will have different questions, but I see a

Some bits are well defined questions: Should it try to generate revenue for
the PSF or be funded to keep reg price low and deliver more?

Some questions are hard to figure out how to communicate the question: How
armature/professional should the event feel or be?

Should talks be selected to give new presenters and projects exposure at
the cost of not selecting popular content that more attendees will want to

Are we trying to promote the language to new people or help experienced

Some of these can be compromised on, some can't.  You can't be both a
revenue and a cost (and all that is behind those two)

And PyCon is faced with the same meta problem: Who gets to answer these
questions?    A group of 5?  20?    400?   Who gets to be in these
groups?   Who gets to decide who gets to be in the group?

It's turtles all the way.. up?

I think it would be good to hear what peoples vision is.

I don't think it is good to argue about vision until there is some
agreement on how to resolve the conflict.
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