We only have a few weeks before we hit the holiday season, which isn't
the best time to asking for help from sponsors. We should try to get
as much outreach done in the next few weeks as we can.

We've had a couple successful fundraising sprints and would like to
have a few more before we hit the holidays.

We are doing it a different time this week, but as always, if you
can't make it, or even if you can, feel free to reach out to sponsors
on your own schedule.

Global times for the meeting are listed here, if your TZ isn't
listed.: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20151105T19

The sprint will be on IRC in the #debconf-sponsors OFTC channel, and
will last for three hours. Feel free to join for all or part of the
sprint and remember you can stop by at any time to ask questions.

Prior to the sprint, please review the resources section of the
following wiki page.:

In particular please try to set up git access via alioth ahead of time,
if you don't have it yet.

Remember, when discussing sponsors or potential sponsors please don't
do so in public channels. If you must talk to the full debconf-team
about a particular fundraising issue, please discuss it in the generic

wendar and indiebio plan to be there for most, if not all, of the sprint.
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