also sprach Lucas Nussbaum <> [2015-10-22 08:18 +1300]:
> > I don't have my tongue in my cheek here at all, but have we ever
> > stepped back and answered the question what threats could put the
> > Debian Project at jeopardy which couldn't have been prevented
> > through a functioning team even without sledgehammer powers?
> You've twisted my words a bit here.

That was unintentional, sorry.

> Debian should protect itself from serious issues with DebConf
> organization, not only because some of those issues could maybe
> put the Debian project at jeopardy (even if it's a bit hard to
> imagine), but also because it's extremely important to continue to
> have successful DebConfs.

So these are two issues, but I don't think a delegation will help
with the second: you cannot delegate the obligation to run
a successful DebConf. In the end, it's a team that puts it on, and
I don't see delegates facilitating that.

And this is mainly because volunteer delegates are mostly there to
exercise veto power, but DebConf does not get organised through

> Of course, a functioning team could avoid most issues, but I think
> that we want to keep the possibility to have bids led by people
> who have relatively little DebConf or even Debian experience. By
> providing a safety net, chairs are a compromise that make it
> easier, less risky, to have such inexperienced (and more likely to
> be malfunctioning) bid teams.

I understand the motivation and I agree that we need to enable bid
teams with less experience to put on great conferences, but this
requires a dedicated team, forward-thinking, and good mentoring.
I don't see how a delegation provides a safety net.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf16: Cape Town:
      DebConf17 in your country?

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