also sprach Bernelle Verster <> [2015-10-13 16:58 +0200]:
> * We need people to feel comfortable doing stuff. If we have to
> wait on deadlines to be reached to get access to something, or
> wait for people to tell us what to do, or worry who we potentially
> upset by doing something, things will never get done.


> * We are not each other's clients, we are a team, we need access
> to things before they look nice. Developers are likely more
> comfortable with this than designers, but that doesn't change that
> it needs to work this way. This will *always* be an issue with
> multi-disciplinary teams, and we need to be aware and sensitive to
> it, but I've given up finding some miracle way to make it work
> without hiccups. Take responsibility and find help. Don't just
> wait and get frustrated.


> * If you ask for feedback and don't get any, ping someone who you
> feel is the most relevant and ask them. If this person is fine
> with it, go ahead. I am not that person unless you can't find
> someone.


Sorry for this useless e-mail, but I just wanted to show my support.
You pretty much hit nails on their heads…

> The place I am trying to have as the main notice board is the
> weekly agenda titanpad [1].

I find it a bit confusing and I wonder if that's the case for other,
more active team members?

Maybe it would help to add a little bit more structure to it, so
that it's easier to quickly find specific information? I don't have
a more concrete proposal than that though.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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