Hi all

Last week's website sprint can be found in the wiki meeting page [0].

Stefano, please update the minutes as you see fit, I didn't always
know what's going on. If possible please send a status report and
rough plan re wafer for the next week or few weeks?

ACTIONS required:
* All: Status reports on what people have been doing this week, and
what is planned for the next week, in the agenda titanpad [1]
* All: Feedback on website proposal [2] (are there other proposals to
be considered, or can we run with this, in conjunction with site map
development and wafer?)
* RichiH : We need to send a list of requirements to ICTS. If you
cannot provide, can ginggs thumbsuck these (based on DC15 experience)
and send to them?
* Others?

Please note: next meeting is Wednesday, 14 October, at 18:30 UTC. Main
objective is getting a handle on timelines. [1]


[0] - https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Meetings/2015-10-07
[1] - https://debconf16-capetown.titanpad.com/2
[2] - 
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