Hi Steve

On 06/10/2015 15:46, Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 06, 2015 at 03:27:09PM +0300, Martín Ferrari wrote:
>> Despite working very hard for a long time trying to follow our mandate,
>> it has become patently clear that some people will keep boycotting any
>> efforts at consensus-building until their particular vision is applied.
>> The "argue until everyone else goes away" approach, which has previously
>> driven away a number of long-term team members, has now succeeded even
>> with us Chairs.
> I'm very sad to see this happen.  I agree with your assessment of the
> situation, and had many things I wanted to write on this subject which will
> now probably never get written.
> There are many reasons why I've not been active in DebConf organization over
> the past year; but the DC15 team's overturning of the DC14 team's efforts to
> help establish a framework that could carry DebConf forward year over year
> was certainly one of the big ones.

I'm sad you won't write about it, but can perfectly understand why. A
lot of things in DebConf seems to be very much against the foundations
of Debian at the moment, which includes some of the things Martin
mentioned. I find myself in a position where I'm also wondering if it's
better to try to invest a significant amount of time to try and fix it,
or whether it's better to walk away.

I wasn't close enough during the DC15 phase to witness the overturning
of DC14's efforts to help establish a framework to carry DebConf
forward, but to me personally that's an important (and possibly
critical) aspect of DebConf and I don't understand why there would be
resistance to that. There has however been a lot of weird mu questions
regarding local and global teams, but what I've learned in DebConf is
that when people start asking really weird questions, it's because
they're trying to push some hidden agenda. I knew DebConf has a tendency
to burn out people, but I didn't hope that I'd become so jaded this
early on.

Sorry, I digress. What I'm meaning to ask is, are the DC14 efforts for
long-term DebConf institutional knowledge documented somewhere? Is there
a way we can try to pick it up again? Or would it have to be a
start-again-from-scratch kind of scenario?


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