also sprach Bernelle Verster <> [2015-10-04 20:54 +0200]:
> Said another way, if we do the *amazing*, and wafer is the way to
> go, are we confident that it will carry us all the way through, or
> do we still need to see it's stuff by the deadline to find out
> what else needs to be planned for? Can we say, yes, we are 100%
> behind wafer, and we need to know what its limitations are by the
> deadline (e.g. 31 October) so we can fix those things in time?

Summary from IRC (I hope I got it all right):

There are people in dc-orga with a lot of experience as to what's
needed from a website/registration/schedule system.

There are people who know wafer and can make informed guesstimates
about what it would take to add certain features.

The intersection of these two groups can answer the question and fix
the decision, and by the multiple-eyes principle, it would help to
have a few people in that intersection.

One way forward would thus be to demonstrate wafer to people with
dc-orga experience relating to the registration system, let them
formulate questions and then write up a plan of

  - what can already be done
  - what needs to be implemented
  - and how one would implement each feature, along with
    a conservative time estimate.

The goal of all of this is not to keep people busy. Rather, it's
about expediting the decision for wafer, so that we can comfortably
make it.

For if wafer wouldn't meet our needs, then we'd need to revert to
Summit, and we'd need to put a lot of work into Summit, so we
shouldn't wait too long.

On the other hand, if we know what needs to be done, and there's
already a general direction of how it would be done with wafer,
along with a time estimation, then people might just pick it up the

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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