On 23 de septiembre de 2015 20:41:21 GMT+02:00, Laura Arjona Reina 
<larj...@debian.org> wrote:
>Hi all
>On 23 de septiembre de 2015 20:04:11 GMT+02:00, Bernelle Verster
><bernel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>I sent this to the old list, sorry!
>>It shouldn't be a long meeting, one hopes...
>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>From: Bernelle Verster <bernel...@gmail.com>
>>Date: Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 10:56 AM
>>Subject: Meeting Reminder: Tonight 19:00 UTC, 21:00 SAST
>>To: DebConf Cape Town Bid <debconf16-t...@lists.debian.org>
>>Hi all
>>A reminder of the meeting tonight.
>>Please add your items to the agenda [1] , as well as as much
>>report back as is possible, to assist with preparation and flow.
>>Please note: I have tried to list the items based on the current
>>renamed them Task Groupings. Don't get your knickers in a knot about
>>I just need a way to run the meeting. If you don't like it, please
>>agenda to the bottom, make your changes, and we can decide which
>>follow at the start of the meeting, and I will then adapt the template
>>[1] - https://debconf16-capetown.titanpad.com/2
>>Debconf-team mailing list
>I am with a terrible headache, probably not attending :/
>1. If you want a blogpost to be published in debconf blog, about dc16
>preparation started (+link to dc15 talk about dc16), just decide a date
>of publishing and I'll send a draft accordingly.
>2. We also need a square logo/icon for when debconf16 blog posts appear
>in planet.debian.org (give me an URL to the image and I'll reduce it
>and upload to the planet. I digged a bit by myself but couldn't figure
>out if there are multiple logos or if it's still undecided...).
>3. I don't control @debconf at twitter. If the people currently
>controlling @debconf are not available for dc16 publicity in twitter,
>we'd need to find somebody. I could be in charge, I know how twitter
>works, but personally I prefer the free networks, so I'd prefer
>somebody else to do that task.
>I think that's all for my side (publicity) now, task description +
>volunteers welcome URL is in the pad, and Debian in the field blog
>posts idea is being worked on with Bernelle+me+publicity team.
>I'll try to hang on from my mobile, but no guarantees that my brain
>works :s
>Have a nice meeting!
>Laura Arjona
>Laura Arjona Reina

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