> On 22 Sep 2015, at 23:00, Philip Hands <p...@hands.com> wrote:
> Margarita Manterola <margamanter...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Hi,
>> On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 10:29 PM, Philip Hands <p...@hands.com> wrote:
>>> Could someone explain the purpose of the co-ordination team?
>> From last week's meeting [1]:
>> This team is in charge of facilitating the work of other teams. This
>> means that it makes sure that people are not blocked, providing help
>> in the form of people-power and advice. Additionally, it makes sure
>> that deadlines are met, that teams do their job and that they are
>> talking to each other.
>> [1] The meeting was called by the chairs, who decided to invite
>> Stefano, Bernelle and me. I complained pretty loudly about the
>> privateness of the meeting and the separate channel, but my complaints
>> were not enough to change that particular meeting.  The team mission
>> reproduced above was pretty much the only thing that we could agree
>> on.
> Wow!  "Motherhood and Apple Pie"
> That would seem to be a definition of what anyone in orga should be
> doing by default, at all times, assuming they are paying the slightest
> attention.
> If we need to set up a new team for that, we are in deep shit.

Phil… you are in orga since long time, so you know how thing are
working.  Many orga people care only on few things/tasks and they
don’t follow all organisation.  Core orga also have a real job and real
live, so they could be unavailable for few months.
But mainly it is because it was a big push from DC15 people to
avoid -team, and get decision delegations to subteam (which
indirectly it was done also not to inform entire team, to avoid

You are also a member of video (sorry if I use you as example,
nothing personal, but we tent do over discuss ideal case, which
doesn’t exist, IMO). How -team could know the status of video,
when shipping discussion should be taken (in DC14 the
shipping discussion started much too late, but thanks Carl we
had alternate video materials).  This year I relayed various
statuses of video team to -team meeting (I think most about non
optimal meeting time for core video-team). [Also nattie is
unavailable on Monday evening. NOTE: and for DC15 and
DC16 things are better than in many other DCs: timezones
love us!] 

So someone should be in charge to get information from team
and check if things are working according other team plans.
The orga (in general) checks this, but it is better to have
people responsible to this important task.

I’m totally in favour to have more statuses report (not only
decision taken, but what decision is being considered [which
can effect other people/tasks/teams]) on -team ML (or IRC),
but there is huge resistance on that.

And for my personal experience, the huge tasks I got from
DebConf were because strict deadline and no volunteers
(registration and “publicity” on DC12, all registration system
and volunteer system in DC15).  I would like to avoid such
stresses in future, so I really want that someone care about
deadline and also to find volunteers timely.  Time constrain on
global meetings, and the pushes to have infrequent team
meeting (monthly) really don’t help.

Giving too much tasks to few core people + an implicit
coordination has also problems: this year we (on both
parts: “local" and “global”) failed several times because
too many tasks in parallel, to track everything.

I’m totally in favour to have more information (and more
frequent) in -team (the ML).  But I think you have read
this many and many time in past 5 (or more) years, as
requiring documentation so we know what to do next
without having to ping people for weeks.
So we are still in the non-perfect world which requires
ugly patches.


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