also sprach Tassia Camoes Araujo <> [2015-08-31 06:26 +0200]:
> I've just created a "Discussion" session in our wiki to collect
> the main points brought to the table from each one of you so that
> we can easily keep track of where the discussion is going.

While I am sure it's appreciated that you put all this time into
these summaries, I don't think this approach is appropriate.

First of all, you claim this to be a proposal, and that anyone can
submit counter-proposals. How? Should we make direct changes to the
wiki page?

As I have suggested to you in private mail, I think it'd be best if
you reverted all changes and instead created e.g. with your
text and changes.

This would allow counter-proposals in the same namespace, without
giving any more weight to the one made by the chairs.

Second, taking stuff out of context is a sure-fire way to
misrepresent or miss the whole picture. At the very least, I think
you should include links to the original messages from where you
pulled a quote.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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