also sprach Maximiliano Curia <> [2015-08-29 20:06 +0200]:
> This is the first of a series of threads about making the content
> team more public, documenting things that were done and things
> that can be improved.


> From the conference software part it would be better if it had an official
> mobile page, a clear distinction of the official schedule and the adhoc
> sessions, and a usable scheduling admin interface.

Why do we want a distinction between ad-hoc stuff and the official

> More feedback wanted!
> + What do you think? What needs to be improved?

I had the impression that it really worked a lot better than last
year. The idea of using a whiteboard or chalkboard seems to make
a lot of sense.

Personally, I never used the online schedule much, as I'd learn of
ad-hoc events from the mailing list and then just added them to my
own calendar.

> + Should we keep the unconference style adhoc scheduling?

I'd say: yes, definitely. I think it's a core part of our
conference. If we didn't coordinate this, people would find ways

I've even heard and entertained thoughts about extending it and
*reducing* the number of "officially scheduled events" to two tracks
(e.g. technical and political/social/philosophical), concentrating
on events we know will draw a large audience, and making sure that
there is enough space for everyone else, including the possibility
to video-stream, etc.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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