Hi all

I'm supposed to be on holiday and offline, but I've started having
dreams about this thread, so...

I've adapted the thread onto our Timeline [1], and copied relevant
bits below. I resisted the temptation to put this onto the wider
timeline [2] as well, so we can test it first. Comments welcome, but
this can only be finalised after DC16 team discussion and some
registration system considerations (Next IRC meeting is on 9
September, but these dates are going to be a bit of a moving target).
Overall, I am very happy with where the conversation is at.


[1] - https://debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Timeline
[2] - https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Timeline

January (-6 months):
EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION: Expression of intent opens 18 January 2016
(I just put in a date to get a deadline going, this can be altered by
Fields filled in (tick boxes):
* I am interested in attending DebCamp16
* I am interested in attending DebCamp16
* I would possibly require sponsorship for food
* I would possibly require accommodation sponsorship
* I would possibly require travel sponsorship
* I am submitting a talk proposal (with an attachment field?)
* I am considering bringing a family/more than just myself attending
* Email required/have an (Alioth?) account: Join mailing list to get
notified when registration opens.
(I don't know what the best way to do this is, considering that the
registration system may not be 100% functional at this stage yet, and
might not really be needed at this stage)

* EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION: Send reminder on 29 January 2016:
Sponsorship requests, Talk submissions close Monday 29 February 2016
* EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION: Send reminder on 17 February 2016:
Sponsorship requests, Talk submissions close Monday 29 February 2016
* EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION: Sponsorship requests, Talk submissions close
Monday 29 February 2016

EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION: Registration opens Saturday 2 April 2016
Fields required:
* Dates of attendance (rather than a range, tick off every day from
e.g. 28 June to 9 July?)
* Food required (sponsored or paid for)
* Accommodation required (Sponsored or paid for)
* T-shirt size
* Allergies/accessibility concerns we should plan for...??

INTERNAL BIG DEADLINE: Bursaries, Content team make decisions by 17
April 2016 (May need date adjustment for easter...)

EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION: Announce bursaries on Monday 24 April 2016,
EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION: Announce bare-bones schedule on Monday 24
April 2016, - times of talks at least, perhaps some highlighted
speakers if possible.

EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION: Official registration closes 9 May 2016.
After this date, there are no guaranteed swag bags, T-shirts or
printed name badges. Attendees can no longer be sponsored, except in
extreme cases. (Wording...)
[todo] Find out: Last date to register for accommodation at the venue...

On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 8:32 PM, Michael Banck <mba...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 12:38:34PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
>> I would even consider *not* calling it pre-registration, as that is
>> too close to "registration". Maybe "enrollment" instead?
> Other conferences just require that you have an account to submit
> proposals or request sponsorship.  Why couldn't we do this as well?
> Michael
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