Hi all,

I hope the cheese gathering has been going strong during DebCamp!

It is way past time to finalise the details of the on-site organization of the
C&W party. I apologize profusely for procrastinating this so long... As I am
off site and won't arrive until Monday, I will need volunteers to perform the
tasks to be done on site before the party, but before sending people to work we
need some details about what the venue provides during C&W.

Here are the areas where volunteers are needed :

- Shopping for tools (the list will depend on what the venue provides us,
  regarding cutlery, dishes, glasses and other stuff).

- Shopping for bread (to be done on Monday, but the bakery should be called in
  advance considering the quantities that we will need: more than 430 people
  are registered for dinner on Monday)

- Shopping for more cheeses: traditionally, a cheese trip is organised to allow
  people who couldn't bring anything to DebConf to participate. We need a local
to guide those who would like to join to a local cheese shop or a grocery store
with a good selection of local cheeses.

- Preparing labels for the goods registered on the wiki: printing the list,
  maybe laminating the labels.

- Cutting the cheeses: the more the merrier (there will be a lot of cheeses),
  but we need to plan our tooling accordingly.

- Leftover collection: I'm not sure the venue will let us collect any leftovers
  due to regulations, but if we will be able to we need to organise it
(wrapping, refrigeration, ...)

- Cleanup: again, depends on what the venue provides for us.

Would people from the local team be able to shed light on some of the pending
questions so that we can move forward with this?

Thanks and sorry for being this late...
Nicolas Dandrimont

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