On 13/08/15 09:09, Giacomo Catenazzi wrote:
> Hello DebConfers,
> We are planing the sites for next debconfs and we would like to form a
> real team for such website (registration, schedule, homepages).
> As you probably are aware, we constantly lack "web designers".  Debconf
> already has designers (logo, and general design), but maintaining the
> websites requires constant love and designing a lot of details (e.g.
> how to display schedule in a userfriendly way, which details should it
> include, etc.).  If you want to help, please contact us (very basic
> knowledge of html/css is already an improvement of the current state).
> Additionally we need more developers for the code, to share workload and
> implement a lot of missing things (assassins, easy editable debconfXX
> (home)pages by orga, many special views for orga, ...).  Probably we will
> use Python with Django, so if you want to help and you have basic Python
> skills you are welcome.

Is this something that an Outreachy or GSoC student could contribute to?

Have you seen the work Harsh[1] has been doing?  This is probably a
useful example of the type of things GSoC students are able to
contribute.  Personally, I feel that by modularizing as much as possible
it makes it easier for people to get into and work on one area that they
are motivated to work in without bumping into anybody else.

Another Outreachy round starts soon.  The benefit of any work done in
GSoC 2016 may not be ready for DebConf to use until 2017 though



1. https://github.com/ninjatrench/DeveloperHorizon

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