also sprach Hannes von Haugwitz <> [2015-07-21 22:57 
> * Speyer (Historical Tour / Technic Museum)
> * Boat Tour and Dilsberg Castle
> * Hiking
> * Brewery
> Additionally we decided to provide buses at least for Speyer and
> Dilsberg and probably also for the beer brewery. madduck tries to obtain
> an offer within this week.

I now have
  - 2 busses (à 50 ppl at 490€ each) for Dilsberg Castle
  - 3 busses (à 47 ppl at 400€ each) for Speyer's tech museum

This is well within budget and we might even want to consider
getting a fourth bus, provided that the museum won't collapse under
such nerd influx. Hannes is checking on that and I have
a reservation for a fourth bus for a few days — not too long though!

The above also means that — similar to DC14 — we'll have wiki
signups and limited spaces for the two options, but I'd say that's
ok — not that we have much choice anyway.

> Thanks for taking care of the 'Historical Speyer Tour' and
> 'Hiking' options. Regarding the 'beer brewery' option, do you know
> what else can be done around the 'beer brewery' (apart from the 1h
> guided tour[2])? Maybe the beer brewery and hiking options could
> be merged (with an additional bus option for the brewery).

Hannes and I had a chat last night and we considered the following
plan to be quite charming. The brewery is

  (a) one boat stop from the hostel, so people could hop on the same
      ship as the Dilsberg tour;

  (b) reachable by public transport in 30 minutes with one change in
      Heidelberg city centre;

  (c) on the other side of the "Philosophenweg", a wonderful and
      famous hiking route.
(the youth hostel is westwards where is says "Neuenheimer Feld" just
before the river turn north.)

We thought that these three together could be the third option, e.g.
some people go by boat to the brewery and hike back, others hike
there right away, some might want to stop by and visit Heidelberg on
the way there or back via public transport, etc.. Some might not
even make it to the brewery (or back ;) ) etc..

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
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