
I want to attend the DebConf15. Please note, I live just ~1ml from the
Youth Hostel and i won't need any accomodation/room.

Is it possible to get a correct bill of the conference fee ? As a
professional I could
get a tax relief with it, if I can present it to the german "IRS".

With best regards

Christian Hofstede

Am 08.06.2015 um 22:56 schrieb DebConf Registration Team:
Dear Christian Hofstede

Thank you for registering for DebConf15.

This (automated) message is being sent to all attendees to inform them
about their registration and sponsorship status and some bits of news.

The reconfirmation period is open. Please reconfirm by
*Tuesday, 30 June 2015* (or unselect both reconfirmation and attendence
checkboxes). Reconfirmation is required for sponsored attendees, but it
is highly recommended to all attendees, because the hostel is getting
full, and we will accomodate attendees on first-come basis.

If you are lodging at the venue, we ask you to fill in your address,
this will make the check-in faster (we will have a large DebConf).

Since this is an automated message, it is possible this information
is not complete, or may contain error messages.

For any corrections you need to make to your registration record,
please visit the system online at:
or contact <registrat...@debconf.org>.

* You didn't ask for sponsorship

* You intend to attend DebCamp.  Since the available rooms are limited,
* we ask you to please review that your arrival date is correct.  If
* you already know that you will arrive later than Sun Aug  9 14:00:00 2015,
* please state your actual arrival date.

Your data, according to the registration system:

Your data:

Names on badge:           Christian Hofstede / Koren
Contact email:            koren-gu...@users.alioth.debian.org
Intend to attend:         Yes
Gender:                   Male       (for statistics on diversity)
T-Shirt size:             L (straight cut)
Registration level:       professional participant (200 €)
Food and accommodation plan: Food (lunch and dinner) at the youth hostel (ca. 7 
Food preferences:         I will be happy to eat whatever is provided
Child care:               False
Special needs:            False
Role in Debian:           Otherwise involved in Debian
Role in DebConf:          Regular attendee
Expected venue arrival:   Sun Aug  9 14:00:00 2015 (local time)
Expected venue departure: Sun Aug 23 08:00:00 2015 (local time)
Sponsorship requests:     none
Address:                  awinta GmbH
Besselstraße 25
68219 Mannheim

                           68219  Baden-Wuerttemberg
Emergency contact:
Notes (in English please): <<Since i live in Heidelberg, i won't need any 

You can change most of your data in

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at:
   IRC:                  #debconf-team @ irc.oftc.net   (real-time questions)
   or mailing list:      debconf-team@lists.debconf.org (public list)
   or non-public email:  registrat...@debconf.org
   sponsorship questions: bursar...@debconf.org
Thank you,

P.S. You can start communicating with and learning from other DebConf
attendees even before arriving by subscribing to the debconf-discuss
mailing list.  This is a great place to coordinate travel, ask for local
information, generate enthusiasm about your BoF...

Debconf-team mailing list

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