> I think we will have money for the buses. Just quality and comfort
> (e.g. return hours, number of buses) depend on later funds (more
> fundraising, normal non-reconfirmation rates, etc.).  But it is
> nice to have such flexibility.

For the record, here's the calculation I did:

Large coaches with 40+ seats can't turn around at the top of the
hill, so we need to use smaller busses with 30 seats.

The distance is 6km. The road is partially windy, partially city.
I would like to calculate 10 minutes for one journey. Add boarding
and disembarking and we're at a round-trip of approx. 30 minutes,
meaning one bus can ferry 60 people in an hour.

The first bus can leave 17:45 as we're welcome from 18:00 onwards.
The last bus should probably leave no later than 18:45, since dinner
will be served from 19:00. This leaves us one hour. If we optimise
the transport, we can maybe to 3 runs in acceptable time, but
I wouldn't count on it and prefer to stay with 2. The situation is
more relaxed on the way home since we're looking at a 2 hour window.

Of the 360 people, let's assume 60 will walk (if the weather is ok,
more if the weather is nice). 4 busses can ferry 240 people, and one
bus can do an additional "late run" (two busses in case of bad

We're budgeted with 280×4, or 1.120 €. By now, unnegotiated offers
are more like 400 €/bus, but nothing's been pursued yet. I won't
rule out being able to take this down to 350 €/bus, meaning 1.400
€ (+ 280 € over budget). If I cannot take the price down, we have
two options:

  - +480 € over budget, 4×400 € = 1.600 € to get us 4 busses
  - doing 2×4 runs and 1×3, meaning some people will (need to)
    arrive before free drinks are served, and some will (need to)
    arrive after dinner has started.

Comfort, as you say…

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany: http://debconf15.debconf.org
      DebConf16: Cape Town: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16

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