On 12/03/15 at 19:33 +0000, Philip Hands wrote:
> martin f krafft <madd...@debconf.org> writes:
> ...
> >> Before we commit to expenses that I see as optional from the point
> >> of view of the "success for the Debian project" metric, I would
> >> like to make sure that the sponsorship budget is covered.
> ...
> > Given the conservative nature of my budget, after the conference,
> > Debian will probably have *more* money (again) than you committed.
> Wow! Are we _really_ performing this traditional dance _again_?
> The one where we trudge around in a circle trying to guess if we'll have
> enough money for sponsorship until those waiting for sponsorship lose
> the will to live (or the opportunity to book cheap) and the problem thus
> solves itself, but not in a way anyone wanted, and then later there's a
> healthy surplus that makes the dithering at this stage look utterly
> pathetic and we all agree never to do THAT again ...

This did not happen for DC14.
And I don't see how it would happen for DC15, given I've said many times
that I was open to use Debian funds to cover additional travel
sponsorship, on top of what is already provided though DC15 income.

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