Hi Martin,

I only have a few comments on the budget:
* Dinner/Lunch participation: The numbers, at least for dinner should be
more in the 80-90% range as some might decide not to eat or go into the
city to eat. For C&W,  I'd also assume less than 90%
* Conference dinner transport: I'd cancel this in the base case as we can
walk to the city and personal cars can be used in special cases.
* Video team: unless investment in new equipment is planned, ths line item
should be reduced to 1k EUR to match DC13 costs (networking/power is
already covered in the networking line item)
* Professional attendees: 30 seems very conservative. We must do better do
cover our costs. I'd raise this to about 10% of the attendees)
* Incidentals: Reduce to 2k, if we have a large unforeseen expense, we
should discuss it when it happens.
* Outreach program: How is the money for diversity program and Debian
newbies used? Is this travel sponsorship? If yes, we should probably move
the line item down to travel sponsorship to clarify.
* Travel sponsorship: I'd prefer if we could initially grant 20k for travel
sponsorhip (including diversity and newbies travel) and only use it for
those attendees, who wouldn't book their tickets if they'd have to pay
themselves. And as soon as we see that we can reach our funding goals,
we'll go into round 2. David, what do you think?


On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 9:27 PM, martin f krafft <madd...@debconf.org>

> Dear all,
> Thanks for all the feedback on the budget. I've updated the version
> in Git, so please obtain the ODS file from here:
> http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debconf-data/dc15.git/tree/budget/budget.ods
> I refrain from creating a PDF because it's a pain to format. Sorry.
> Here are the notable changes made since last week's meeting:
>    1. Added the income from simplified VAT claiming. This is
>       a complex issue, the details (in German) may be found here:
> http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debconf-data/dc15.git/tree/verein/steuern/2014-05-16-Aktennotiz_Besteuerung.txt
>       In three sentences: We opted for a simplification by which we
>       don't net VAT collected with VAT paid, but just reduce all VAT
>       collected by 7 % points. Since most of our expenses are to the
>       youth hostel and hence VAT exempt, this effectively means we
>       take in an additional 7 % on top of sponsor money, but we also
>       have to pay gross prices on all expenses, so minus the 19% we
>       pay on all other expenses.
>       Definitely easier to budget anyway, and it added 9k to the
>       income, which I thus distributed (see below).
>    2. Added 100 additional shirts for orga to the calculation (see
>       assumptions tab). Might just be too much.
>    3. Took 1k from diversity outreach and made it available for press
>       outreach (e.g. LWN).
>    4. Upped travel sponsorship to 30k.
>    5. Increased budget for lanyards to 1k (2,50 € each, incl. VAT).
>    6. Added an item furniture rentals for the job fair and showcase
>       booths; rough estimate, probably too high.
>    7. Added a line for 8 sponsor logo banners to be displayed around
>       the venue.
>    8. Added a line for miscellaneous day trip expenses (food is
>       separate anyway).
>    9. Upped video team budget to 10k.
>   10. Downed child care to 1k, basically just incidentals and
>       whatnot, we'll see what this actually turns out. We *won't* be
>       paying child care attendants with this as we should not get
>       involved here (other than facilitating babysitters).
>   11. Increased incidentals, including a 5% buffer position in case
>       the budget doesn't square out everywhere.
>   12. Added some notes to the expenses tab to help people figure out
>       what's to be sorted under each item and where to find stuff.
> I hope this is now ready for approval. If there are more comments or
> questions, please try to send them ASAP before the meeting on
> Thursday.
> As a final motivational message: we're 80% funded and have 5 months
> to go. If we meet our funding goal, we can start sponsoring more
> people to attend, which is one of our core values.
> --
>  .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
> : :'  :  DebConf orga team
> `. `'`
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>       DebConf16: Cape Town: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16
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