also sprach Giacomo Catenazzi <> [2015-03-03 12:51 +0100]:
> I also find that sometime I'm trying to write an answer and
> topic/agree were moved before I can press RETURN. On old meeting
> there were a lot of silence periods, which was also not ideal.
Maybe we can just vote? Maybe there's a way to automatically count
votes and then we can either move on based on majority, or
reschedule the discussion.

> IMHO we should also avoid to move too much discussion away from
> meetings: there is more risk to have no decision, but with too
> long discussions (which will be repeated on many different
> channels).

Well, it's hard to suppress discussion like this. If I may offer
a counter-proposal, then the responsible person of an agenda item
should update the wiki table well ahead of time and be prepared to
give an exec summary (pre-written, just paste) at the start of
his/her topic, describing the challenge, the status quo, major
opinions and sketching a way forward. More work for the drivers, but
less work for everyone in total… and faster decisions. Well, at
least this is what happens elsewhere.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
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