
On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 4:11 PM, martin f krafft <madd...@debconf.org> wrote:
>   Food preferences:
>     None
>     I like to eat meat and fish
>     No animal products for me (vegan, strict vegetarian)
>     Other / allergies (contact organisers)

I agree with what has already been posted that "None" is a very bad
idea that it doesn't really convey the meaning. It should be explicit,
i.e. "Ovo-lacto vegetarian", no None or similar in the string. Please,
whatever is decided, let's not use "None" for any option.

Also, taking into account the data from previous years, I strongly
believe that the default should be "I like to eat meat and fish".

So, I propose:

Food preferences:
 * I like to eat meat and fish (default option)
 * Ovo-lacto vegetarian
 * No animal products for me (vegan, strict vegetarian)
 * Other (specific restrictions - please contact organizers)

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