Btw, you guys could obtain and use
that instead. Maybe the list can even be renamed? Low priority, who
cares. Just saying…

Here's input:

also sprach Jonathan Carter <> [2015-02-17 16:19 +0100]:
> madduck started a team roles page:

It wasn't me! ;)

I created this page initially for DC15, it was copied for DC16, and
I wrote about it here:

tl;dr: it's not the best approach, but it might be useful. But we
are not the DC16 team working on our own…

> Please go ahead and populate. The columns might be slightly
> misleading at this point, it might seem to imply that the debconf
> teams are different to the local team member, but it's not the
> case, we're all in it together.

Yes, that's the important message: we're all in it together. The
page was about roles, about areas one (new to DebConf) might be interested to 
on as part of a winning bid. If you find yourself there, the third
column is merely trying to shove you into the right direction. We
probably don't need the fourth column.

The larger picture here includes a vision that some of you will help
with DC15 and some of you will stick around post-DC16. We need to
find a mode of operation that ensures we don't just get new people
every year and burn out the few old people. We should establish
a longer-running team and have smoother roll-overs. This is not your
primary task, but you're a part now. I am just letting you know
where we come from so that you can frame the input better.

>  * Nikola ( - static site generator in python, jinja2
>  * Static page generator using Django's templating system right within
> summit
>  * Using Wafer, a conferencing system written with Django for PyconZA.
> It *may* be a more suitable option for the summit functionality as well,
> pending some further investigation.
> If you're interested, it's probably a good idea to join #debconf-infra

There's a fourth option: Perl page toolkit or whatever we use right
now, because in order to effect change, we'll need a working demo
and good arguments… and without those, nothing will change.

> == Debconf 15: Germany ==
> The Debconf 16 team is strongly encouraged to join the Debconf 15
> organising team.

Slight rephrase: we need you guys, and by "we" I don't mean the
DebConf15 team, but DebConf as a whole. DC15 is next, and there's
lot of stuff that needs doing, and good opportunities to learn about
DebConf before next year, you guys are going to be standing in the
first row.

> Other than that I'm not entirely sure how to get involved, maybe
> the Debconf15 can assist us with that and give some introduction
> on the current state of things, or perhaps the rest of us can just
> start by joining meeings. Thoughts?

This is the sort of thing I'd love to help with, but not in my
function as DC15 team member; rather, this is mentoring, i.e. now
that we have the bid, let's find the places for you people to be
involved, draft a budget and work together until we have a venue
contract and the fundraising brochure, so that post-DC15, you can
work on sponsors and conference preparation.

So if you're happy with that, then the next question is how to get
there. On the one hand, this should be the "who do I talk to to get
started on X" type questions from you. Then there will be times when
I raise my hand to comment, like with the website, or the local team
roles. And I suppose we could consider having a meeting dedicated
just to the question of how you guys are going to meld most
smoothestly into dc-orga and make everyone love you.

There's a flip-side to all this: we're in the process of change and
it's quite likely that certain aspects or steps or teams or
requirements might seem strange or scary to you, might put you off
or demotivate. I'd really like to hear all about that and will
help to reduce the chance you'll turn away.

> Quite a number of us don't know many other team members that well.
> On IRC today we discussed that it might be a good idea to have
> a wiki page of sorts with a quick description (perhaps a photo)
> that briefly describes affiliation, skills, interests and roles
> within the debconf team.

I think this is a cool idea and the wiki is probably the best place
for it, like a table with IRC nicks, real name, location, maybe
a keyword about their involvement, and a link to a filled-in profile

> There's more but this mail is already turning into a TL;DR, this
> is new ground for me so sorry if I'm stepping on anyone's toes,
> we're just running with it and would rather make some mistakes and
> get things done rather than spend too much time thinking about
> things and get nothing done. We appreciate and welcome any
> guidance :)

Weeeeh! Seems like a compatible mindset.

also sprach Raoul Snyman <> [2015-02-17 22:00 +0100]:
> Jonathan started on an announcement the other day, and I've updated it
> somewhat. Anyone is welcome to edit it and help us take it from OK to
> I'm not sure when we're going to release the announcement (I can't access
> the wiki right now due to a certificate error), but let's get started so
> long.

I'll be happy to hold hands to publication. Who'll be the person or
the people terming it "ready" and publishing it? The channel to join
would be #debian-publicity and we should discuss there. Also, this
channel is where to ask questions or get guidance or feedback.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany:
      DebConf16: Cape Town:

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