
> On 2015-02-08 16:50, Richard Hartmann wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 11:13 PM, Ana Guerrero Lopez <> 
>> wrote:
>>> What about to move debconf-discuss to lists.d.o NOW?
>> Are we OK with not moving the archives (for now)? If yes, it should be
>> relatively trivial to just create new list _now_ and care about the
>> rest later.
> Moving the archive is not the most urgent point, but it would definitely 
> seem nicer if we can simultaneously migrate existing subscriptions and 
> close the old version of the list.

+1 to this. I would absolutely try to avoid a situation where the same
list exists on both listservers. And moving current subscribers seems
like a nice thing to do. And as mailman provides mailbox archives I
don't see why moving the archives should be a problem.

As I see it the main obstacle is that it just needs someone to drive the
process and coordinate between admins and admins. I don't think there is any major technical

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