[% # vim:ts=2:sw=2:et:ai:sts=2:filetype=xhtml META title = "Registration" lang = "en" %]


Registration for DebConf15 will be open soon.

The conference will be held at the be held from 15th to 22th of August 2015 at Heidelberg International youth hostel in Heidelberg, Germany. On-venue accommodations will be available to both sponsored and non-sponsored attendees at the hostel, and meals will be served in the cafeteria of the building. For on-venue accomodation, then, there's no need to make reservations directly to the Hostel, just register in DebConf15 when registrations are open.


Volunteers are always welcome! If you want to volunteer, contact us by email at debconf-team@lists.debconf.org, or on the #debconf-team IRC channel on irc.debian.org.


See also