Good point. I have asked for more details.

What I proposed them is to be able to give them a number a day before. I think 
it would be doable to setup some kind of web portal where people can
say where they will eating the next day. By default it would be catered food, 
and people could subscribe/unsubscribe at will. I don't think this is
too much asked.

It would not be fair and ecological to cater 100 more plates than needed...

a.k.a pollo

On 2015-01-28 16:45, Gunnar Wolf wrote:
> Louis-Philippe Véronneau dijo [Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 01:13:32PM -0500]:
>> Hi!
>> We received some quotes from one of our caterer options. The Nest
>> (McGill’s student-run café) quoted 20 CAD$ per day per person for 3
>> meals a day.  Just to be clear, this means about 6,66 CAD$ per meal
>> per person, or 5,34 USD$ per meal per person at current currency
>> rates.
>> We have ask for a possible menu and should get it soon. In the mean
>> time, all other infos about food can be found here:
>> I'll reply to the list when I will get some more infos.
> This sounds very good!
> A question that always pops up, specialy when the venue is in the
> middle of an interesting city: How flexible are they regarding actual
> attendance? Say, we ask them to prepare food for 250 people (as we
> have i.e. 200 food-sponsored and 100 non-food-sponsored), but 80
> people decide to eat out that night instead of 50. Do we have to pay
> the missing 30? Or if one night only 20 go out instead of 50, will
> they have enough food for them?
> What are the margins they would feel comfortable within?
> Thanks!

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