David Bremner <da...@tethera.net> writes:

> Hi All;
> meeting/process). I made a poll at
>    https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/dcbursaries/
> All times in CET (UTC+1). As a sanity check, the first time should be
> 17:00 and the last 23:00.
> If you're interested in participating (or just lurking), please fill out
> the poll before Jan 4 2015. Yes, this is soon, but we need to start.

I added a draft agenda at


Feel free to improve my lousy wiki-formatting, or add your own ideas for
discussion points.  Please don't expand the scope of the meeting beyond
"How should we rank Debian Project Contributors" for potential
bursaries. I think there is plenty of thorny issues there for one
meeting. In particular, I hope we can deal with how do we provide
food/accomodation/travel to people whose primary contibution is as
debconf volunteers through a seperate mechanism or at least a separate
set of ranking rules.


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