also sprach Eric Dantan Rzewnicki <> [2014-12-19 21:13 +0100]:
> What about using a Debian Conference psuedo package in the BTS?

… and usertags to allow us to organise. Also, the version number
could be used to limit a ticket to a specific DebConf, e.g. '2015'.

I generally like the idea, but we probably don't want to have
everything public by default. For instance, fundraising and visa
stuff needs to be handled non-publicly, and I am not sure debbugs
can be coerced to support this.

Also, I am unsure how communication with outsiders would work:

  - someone sends to (or whatever address), which
    should create a ticket and let the person know that. There
    should be an easy way for the user to add more info, either by
    mailing bug-id@ or just replying since the message contains the
    bug-id in the subject or so;

  - all replies (maybe unless they are sent to -quiet) should
    automatically go to the owner of the ticket;

  - it should also be trivially possible to create tickets and
    auto-subscribe people, e.g. when I am sent a message that should
    really be tracked with a ticket.

  - all types of workflow stuff we do, including tagging, retitle,
    usertags, whatever, should probably not result in the outsider's
    mailbox being spammed.

There's probably more. All in all, using debbugs would have huge
advantages for all of us. Whether it can be abused as a generic
ticketing system is another question. It already seems better than
RT though ;)

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
  `-  DebConf15: Heidelberg, Germany:
      DebConf16 in your country?

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