
On 04.12.2014 11:05, Michael Banck wrote:
> Heya,


>   - Therefore, in April, it would be good to have bursary decisions.
>   - Which means that registration should ideally open in March

This is similar to the DC intents in previous years.

>   - And by that time, we would like to have at least some events/talks
>     announced for people to make an informed decision.

I find this difficult, but we can try it.  Usually people already knows
DebConf either by checking past year program and reading reports of the
non-conference and social parts.

If one is not so sure about attending DebConf, probably it will attend
only few days, and having few talks without scheduling will not help so

I don't see much overlap on sponsored people with air-travel sponsorship
and such people who need to know the program before registering.

>   - Which in turn means the CfP should be sent out in January till 
>     mid-February.
>   - And also that the content part of summit needs to be setup by then.
> For many people, the decision of registering to attend DebConf depends 
> on work and family, and priorities will depend also on the conference
> offerings.  On the other hand registering blindly for DebConf is 
> being done by some of the regulars (because event offerings aren't top
> priority anyway), but this probably doesn't apply to the majority.

Registering blindly is very common.  So we have also the reconfirmation
deadline later.  And really many people change plans (few days,
cancelling attendance, ...). And it happens also with speakers.

I'm not sure that opening CfP earlier will diminish such missed
reconfirmations, and thus missed opportunity to sponsor people.

Said that, I've no problem on opening CfP earlier, maybe it help people
to submit papers earlier, so with better interaction with talk team
(which could also simplify bursaries job), but usually people submit
papers only at deadline, possibly with text just written few hour earlier.

BTW we need also to discuss if we should (and how much) over-commit
sponsorships (anticipating the missed reconfirmation). Some discussion
already started last year.

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